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(678) 999-3128


BY buckhead smile center

Sugar is not the only major culprit behind tooth decay and cavities, although it significantly contributes to these conditions. There are many other food types that cause damage to your teeth and these are the foods and beverages with high acid content Acid is never helpful for your teeth. Examples of the foods that are highly acidic are soda, wine, oranges and a lot more. Acid can wear and eat away your tooth enamel which explains why it becomes weaker and susceptible to decay and damage. You do not necessarily have to eliminate these foods from your diet but you need to monitor your consumption of these foods so as to reduce your risk of damage.

What is tooth erosion?

Tooth erosion is when the enamel of your teeth gets worn away or damaged and exposes the underlying surface of your tooth called the dentin. When your tooth undergoes tooth erosion, its risk of decay and cavities is increased.

What causes tooth erosion?

Tooth erosion is primarily caused by too much exposure of your teeth to acid. Acid washes away the calcium from your tooth enamel and calcium is important because it is what’s keeping your teeth stronger. With less amount of calcium in your teeth, the higher the chances to develop tooth decay, and cavities or dental caries. Limiting or staying away from the food and drinks that are highly acidic is important. Examples of these foods are the following.

  • Carbonated beverages such as soda contain a significant amount of acid which is harmful for your teeth and can damage your tooth enamel.
  • Wine can also dissolve your tooth enamel, regardless of the type and color.
  • Fruit juices are also highly acidic even if they are rich in Vitamin C. examples of these fruits are oranges, grapes, cranberries and apples
  • Eating a lot of citric fruits like lemons, oranges and limes can make your teeth weaker and reduce your teeth’s ability to resist bacteria.
  • Foods and snacks which are high in sugar are also not advisable, even gummies and sour candies are not good for the teeth.
  • If you are suffering from acid reflux and have the tendency to vomit, your tooth enamel can also be damaged because of the acid that is coming out of your mouth and is getting in contact with your teeth.

What are the signs of tooth erosion?

Tooth erosion is a condition that you should not neglect because they can possibly lead to more serious oral health conditions, pain and decay of your teeth. This is the reason why it is important for you to understand and be aware of the signs of tooth erosion.

  • Teeth sensitivity. When you feel a certain pain when you eat or drink something hot or cold, this can already be a sign that your tooth enamel is beginning to get damaged or is wearing away. This is because teeth sensitivity happens when your tooth enamel is becoming thinner.
  • When your enamel becomes thinner, the color of your tooth also changes and becomes yellowish in shade because the dentin under the enamel is being exposed
  • Rounded teeth. Another indication of erosion is when your tooth starts to look rounded or sand blasted
  • Your tooth enamel begins to get thinner if a tooth has translucent appearance near its edges
  • Small cracks can be an indication of tooth erosion
  • If there are small dents on the chewing surfaces of your tooth, then your tooth enamel may already be wearing away.

How can you avoid tooth erosion?

To be able to keep your mouth healthy, you should be able to keep your teeth protected from decay and damage, and you can do this by following these tips:

  • Reduce your consumption of food and drinks that are high in acid or try to have them during your regular meals so that they do not cause damage to your tooth enamel
  • Rinse your mouth with water right after you eat something that is highly acidic
  • Instead of drinking straight from the glass, use a straw when drinking beverages with high acid content so that they do not come in contact with your teeth.

For more information on keeping your teeth protected from tooth erosion, you can call Smile Center (678) 904-2001 or (678) 999-3128, or visit us at 999 Peachtree Street NE, Suite 700, Atlanta, Georgia 30309 or 2900 Peachtree Road NW, Suite 209,Atlanta, Georgia 30305.

Buckhead Smile Center team
is here to make you smile.

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