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Dental Implants: Proper Care Tips in Atlanta, GA

BY buckhead smile center

If you want to restore your smile by replacing a missing tooth or two, you might as well consider investing in dental implants. Like natural teeth, they are strong and are not prone to cavities. At Smile Center Team, we offer this type of treatment for patients with single or multiple teeth replacement needs. Dental implants support crowns, bridges or dentures effectively. For those who suffer from a loose appliance, denture stabilization can be performed to secure the prostheses in place.

Dental Implants

Regardless of the durability of dental implants, caring for them is still necessary. To help your implants withstand long years, here are some tips to follow:Lessen your sugar consumption as much as possibleEating sugary treats would probably lead to tooth decay. The good news is, there is no way for dental implants to be affected by dental caries! If you are thinking why we suggest limiting your sweets consumption, the answer is simple: sugar is the main culprit for plaque accumulation. These gross film-like particles lead to gum disease. Once the gums are infected, dental implants are also at risk. Good food choices play a significant role in maintaining overall oral health. Although sugar, starches, and acids are harmful to the teeth, you don’t necessarily need to get away from them completely. The key is just to limit your intake.Use fluoridated toothpasteWhile dental implants are resistant to cavities and other diseases, the original teeth and gums are not. To protect your teeth from potential decays, always opt for products with fluoride. Remember to brush using a fluoridated toothpaste two times a day or after each meal. Make sure to cover the areas where the dental implants are located. Plaques may not bring problems to the dental implants; however, these unwanted substances might cling to the teeth surfaces, harming the natural teeth and gums. Pick an appropriate toothbrush for the dental implantsSelecting the best toothbrush is not just essential for the dental implants but to the oral health as well! To clean around bridges, for instance, an interdental brush can help. Dental professionals may also recommend the use of an electric toothbrush for thorough cleaning. You may also ask us at Smile Center Team about what type of cleaning tools would suit your needs.Visit your dentist regularly - it is the final and most important tip. The success of your implant treatment depends mainly on the help of a dental professional.For more information about Dental Implants in Atlanta, GA and your many other options for effective dental restoration, be sure to contact Smile Center Team today. Our entire team looks forward to meeting you in person and helping you achieve the best possible dental health results.

Buckhead Smile Center team
is here to make you smile.

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